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San Antonio River Walk
Year Round Volksmarch Event

The walk starts at a hotel right off the riverwalk. As you go down the stairs these cement trees are across the river.

Example of mosaic art found in different areas along the riverwalk.

Looking through an archway at a waterfall.

Buildings visable from the riverwalk. We later pass this building on the street.

Flood Control.

Homes are visable from the riverwalk. This one had a nice blooming bush out front, but it doesn't show up very well in the picture.

Steves Homestead Museum in the King William's Historic District

A view of downtown from the riverwalk.

One of many carriages that provide rides around Hemisphere Park.

Waterfalls near the Hemisphere Needle.

Bronze Statue in Hemisphere Park.

The walk route goes by the Alamo. However, we have been to the Alamo on numerous occasions, and so we did not detour to go inside it again. The walk goes back along the riverwalk and then past the following Memorial before returning to the start

Vietnam Memorial

Korean Memorial

Lovely scroll work on the old Southwestern Bell Building